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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trees Make a Big Impact in Wedding Decor

Are you looking to take your wedding décor from merely fine to totally fabulous? To take your wedding beyond the ordinary, you will need elements that really have a big impact. Almost nothing is larger than trees, and they can make a terrific splash in your wedding design.

Even a small tree can make a big difference in the feeling of a space. Think about your wedding venue for a moment. Does it have any blank corners or areas that feel a little boring? Now imagine that same area with a potted tree decorated with twinkling white lights. You have instantly transformed a negative into a positive and made your space much more festive.

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Using trees to fill in dead corners is only one way that they can add style to your wedding. If you want to make a dramatic change, think large. One of the most spectacular ways to spice up your décor with trees is to use them en masse. The effect is especially impressive when the trees are brought into an indoor space.

Every bride wants the moment when she walks down the aisle to be unforgettable. Start by making the aisle itself memorable. Rather than a plain walkway between rows of chairs, picture walking through a canopy of tree branches. The effect of lining the aisle with trees is absolutely breathtaking. To make the most of it, really go all out by using lighting and decorations on the trees.

For instance, a bride who is having a Winter Wonderland theme can use bare trees without any leaves. Soft blue uplighting will give the trees that icy look that so suits the theme. If you would like even more drama, think about complementing your bridal attire and wedding jewelry by stringing strands of crystal in the branches. When done tastefully, downy white feathers can also be a beautiful addition. You will look like a Czarina as you float down the aisle under your tree canopy with your fabulous wedding gown and crystal jewelry.

Trees can also be used to totally transform your reception site. One of the prettiest weddings that I ever saw was one done in an Enchanted Forest theme. The wedding planner brought in one large tree to use in the center of the dining room. Along with the flowers and the rest of the decorations, the presence of the large tree really brought the bride and groom's theme to life.

Of course, trees are always stunning in their natural setting, as well. The branches and leaves of a magnificent old oak tree could provide the perfect site for a simple ceremony. In the springtime, a row of flowering trees could provide all of the decoration that your ceremony needs. Search your area for the fields and gardens with the most spectacular trees when you are looking for your wedding location.

Even if you do not get married under a canopy of tree branches, you can still take advantage of trees as a backdrop for some stunning photographs. Even if your reception will take place indoors, it is wonderful to have a few portraits done outside, and the graceful beauty of the local foliage will make your photos even better. With so many ways to use trees in your wedding, there is sure to be a way that is perfect for you.

Trees Make a Big Impact in Wedding Decor

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