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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Colorado Blue Spruce And Lush Red Roses

Set in a broad expanse of lush green lawn a length of split rail fence forms a corner. Carpeted with a thick layer of soil preserving and plant protecting cedar mulch, three tall Colorado blue spruce offset the right angles of the fence. Lush red roses climb and meander along the fence setting off the soft color of the spruce and livening up the grounds. A bench of rustic-cut native stone rests casually near the edge of the cedar chip mulch with views of sunset beyond the roses, and lush rose gardens toward the back of a rough hewn log cabin in the foreground.

This ruggedly natural setting implicates something of nature, blended with a cared for garden, a wealth of beauty with little cost. Whether the setting describes the corner of a yard, a cozy corner near the house, or a mirage near the center of a vast hillside, the bench lures the gardener with promise of miraculous sunsets, interesting coffee moments, and restful contentment at the end of a long hard day.

Tree Blue

Where you place this corner of Eden is less important that how you arrange it. There must be plenty of room for blue spruce to grow. The fence must be close enough to add ambiance to the trees and support to the roses. The bench must be close enough to absorb the atmosphere, capture the delicate aroma, and lure a guest to catch a moment of sunlight. If by chance the space beyond is laced with aspen trees, whispering in mountain breezes, your cozy sitting acquires a natural characteristic one simply cannot resist.

While corners such as this must be planned into most landscapes, given today's narrow postage stamp yards, the landscaping options of such a corner as this abound limitless.

Pick a tree and buy three, add the color of life in abundant flora, a fence to set off your choices, and a bench to rest your carcass after a long day of work. Don't forget to mulch it well, and brew the coffee.

Colorado Blue Spruce And Lush Red Roses

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